Saturday, January 30, 2016

T&D: Pursuing Excellence

Ms. Swanee Gumatay
 "The first time I was asked if I can teach about Training and Development for a seminar requirement for 4th year HR students of PUP Binan, I was hesitant to give an answer. I wanted to but I felt like I couldn't possibly teach something I was not directly involved in back in my HR days because I may not be knowledgeable enough about the topic. But for some reason, God wanted me to take this opportunity to share what I already know and have experienced. So I did. Little did I know that He was planning to use this talk to remind me of the many lessons I have learned in this life because I have chosen to be a learner. I was reminded that like T&D which aims to help employees become more productive and become better people, the lessons we learn in this life also help make our lives worthwhile and help us become better versions of ourselves. Learning never stops because there is always something to learn. And today, even though I may be the one who stood up in front and taught about the topic, I was also just a student, a learner who was reminded that yes, those who learn in life shall indeed win in life." Ms. Swanee Gumatay

I was roaming around the classroom holding a camera to take every angle of the event, yes i'm a seasonal photographer. Around November, our professor at MANA 4123 (Seminar-Workshop) gave us instruction to organize a seminar related to our field of study which is Human Resource - there are five topics, specifically aligned with our future endeavor; Health & Safety, Labor Relation, Recruitment, Human Resource Development and Compensation. 

Today, we are assigned to do the seminar which is Human Resource Development. I've been doing organizing a seminar since i was in first year (oh my, i'm too old) but today is something different. I was grouped with people who are caring and know how to sympathized with one another, i was able to acknowledge that i'm not yet fully developed - there are things i need to learn more not just in academic but about in life (technically, i'm not an academic person haha) The event is not just an eye opener for a kind like me but it is also an enriching avenue for a craving soul of my expertise which is layout and design. This is the thing i shared "Within our college, i learned to proactively participate with everyone, You don't have to learn alone because you don't have to" 

We would like to thank for the success of our seminar The Generics PharmacySonju Engineering ServicesReal Life Christian CommunitiesFanfreluche Enterprises Inc. and the rest of our sponsors. 

We would also like to extend our heart warming appreciation for Ms. Sanrio PagsuyuinMr. Pol Galang and the rest of the team for being part of our seminar. And for all the things you taught and shared with us Ms. Swanee Gumatay it will always be part of who we are today and for our future endeavor, Gracias!  #IskolarAko

“Once you stop learning, you start dying” Albert Einstein

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