Saturday, June 18, 2016

3 Reasons why i chose BPO Industry

Before going college, i admired to be part of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). Yeah it's kinda weird, at very young age - i already liked to be part of this industry. I heard a lot of opinions and self thought of other people, positive and negative, encouragement and dejected opinion regarding the line of work but i didn't stop to admire people who work in the said industry.

I encountered a lot of people, saying negative insights and even read a lot of reviews about Call Center companies. One of my classmates back in college said he doesn't want to be an agent because he doesn't want to waste his degree just to handle call, and one of my professor said he doesn't like to be part of it because of the work schedule, yeah they have their opinion, and we can't stop them. And now, I'm a trainee at Eperformax Contact Centers & BPO that challenged me to go beyond my limit, teaching me how to grow and preparing me more about how to be part of this industry.

Here is my 3 Reasons, why i chose BPO from other Industry:

1. The Industry is a third party service provider: You help the company to grow and you are able to assist the customer. We are the bridge between the company and the customer. My parents always remind me, assistance is like kindness - all you have to do is pay it forward. And this industry is aligned with helping individuals from clarifications of their bank account, verification of their credit cards or as simple as how to use screen shots from their smart phones. Hundred of people are asking for help, even at this moment. There are agents who are currently giving an assistance for a customer. Maybe there are instances or multiple instances of eerie customers but agents have to remain their pose and continue to offer service and kind assistance. 

2. Offers a lot of Opportunity: As a fresh graduate, i chose BPO because of the opportunity to challenge myself and opportunity to know more about myself. Learning about who you are and what might you become is a mantra that most people are taking for granted. I've been in the company for a month now, and i realize thousand of things everyday, realizations that hit me whether before going to work or before going home. 

The company offers me to grow, learning to deal with different people of different ages, listening to their stories, sharing your experiences and creating camaraderie but the company also taught you that sometimes the colors of bonding fades, because they do have their own opportunity that are not meant to be with the company, so you have to learn how to be an independent. And i'm looking forward to know more about the opportunities they can offer whether its career growth or personal development.    

3. The Environment is Challenging: When i started my first week, i was able to work late at night. The schedule is very challenging especially if its changing, your body adjustment should be fast and your mental preparation should be firm. The training program also have their evaluation sessions every month, a goodbye session for those who can't meet the standard of the company. Yesterday, i was able to see the sad ending for my co-trainees but i knew the ending is only a beginning. Like what my trainer said, we can't stop the story because it is continuous, the group become smaller and smaller every week - it depends if we continue to strive or not, if we continue to challenge our selves or not, if we accept failures and learn from it. Schedule is one of the reasons why Filipino doesn't want to work in a BPO. Yeah, i'm a morning person since grade school. The graveyard shift is the most difficult thing about working for a call center. We all know our bodies are made to function in the day and sleep at night. If you work for a call center, you have to adjust your schedule so that you work at night and sleep during the day. You also have to adjust your eating schedule so that you eat breakfast in the evening, lunch at midnight, and dinner in the morning. Because i'm still in training, i don't know what will be the stress that they are talking about and the no rest days they are referring into but whatever it is, i knew a whole new story will unfold.

The environment is very challenging for fresh graduate like me, fast-phase, psychologically and mental test for a soft-heart creature like me, a rough and rocky road adventure for a beginner, sometimes i'm asking myself did i really want to be part of this? then from nowhere, signs like make the best happen, we accept the need for change or optimism prevails show up (these are actually slogans of companies). BPO is a jungle of adventure, i prepared myself for about 4 years but then i realized things have their own beginning, uncertain to possibilities is a trial for you, for me and trail of where to begin and the more i learn about the industry, the more i learn about myself. 

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Tulis Comments
June 20, 2016 at 11:47 PM

Good luck in your career Ae! I know you can do it! :D


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